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  1. Go to Pokhara University (  scholarship site which is
  2. Click on Register a new membership
  3. Create New Account using your full name and genuine email. (Note: Email verification is required so your email must be genuine and accessible by yourself)
  4. Verify your account by clicking the verification link sent to your email. Please check your spam too.
  5. Field with asterisk (*) sign are compulsory. However some field have default value which do not required any change e.g. University, Academic Year, Level.
  6. There are two tables in dashboard, one for scholarship application and second for paid admissions. Click on apply 
  7. Important Notice: Please make sure to upload genuine and correct information. Double check your information before submitting. If you have submitted incorrect information by accident or intentionally, the review staff will give you one chance to resubmit your information. If you neglect while resubmitting the information that time, you will not get another chance to update your profile information or application information and if your profile or application gets rejected because of that, college will not be responsible for that.
  8. Apply Application - Phase I : Basic Info
    1. Upload your recent passport size photo (with maximum size of 2MB). This photo will be used in the admit card of the student.
    2. Enter your full name: First Name, Middle Name and Last Name respectively.
    3. Enter your First Name, Middle Name and Last Name in Nepali in पहिलो नाम, बिचको नाम and थर respectively
      1. You can convert your roman text to nepali by  using this textareatext area
    4. Paste the transformed text to nepali first name, middle name and last name.
    5. Choose your gender.
    6. Select your Birth Date (B.S.), from datetime picker (do not enter value by typing) when you select your Birth Date (B.S.), it will auto fill your English Birth Date (A.D.)
    7. Enter Citizenship Certificate Number (in English format).
    8. Enter Citizenship Issued Date
    9. Enter the name of the district from where your citizenship is issued.
    10. Upload the scanned copy of your citizenship (front and back) in respective fields.
  9. Apply Application - Phase II :  Contact Info
    1. Email field will be automatically filled by the one you used to create account in the portal.
    2. Provide your landline number
    3. Provide your valid 10 digits mobile number and do not use country code or plus (+) sign
    4. Provide Permanent Address
      1. Choose Province
      2. Choose District
      3. Choose Municipality Type
      4. Type Municipality/VDC name
      5. Provide Ward Number
      6. Provide Tole Name (Note: Sometimes it may take a while to load data properly, based on your selection, please do select data properly)
    5. Provide Temporary Address
      1. Choose Province
      2. Choose District
      3. Choose Municipality Type
      4. Type Municipality/VDC name
      5. Provide Ward Number
      6. Provide Tole Name (Note: If Temporary Address is same as permanent address please enter the same information)
    6. Enter your password and click on save button to save your contact information.
  10. Apply Application  - Phase III : Guardian Info
    1. Provide your Grand Father Name (Full Name)
    2. Provide your Father’s Name (Full Name)
    3. Provide your Mother’s Name (Full Name)
    4. Provide your Guardian’s Name whom university can immediately contact if required (Full Name)
    5. Provide address of your Guardian
    6. Provide contact number of your guardian (10 digit)
  11. Apply Application - Phase IV :  SLC Information
    1. Choose SEE/SLC from level dropdown.
    2. Provide your school name from where you have passed your SLC/SEE.
    3. Provide the address of your School
    4. Choose your SLC/SEE pass out year
    5. Provide Full mark (e.g. 800 or 4) (only numeric or decimal value. Do not use letter like A+)
    6. Provide Obtain mark (e.g. 500 or 3.6) (only numeric or decimal value. Do not use letter like A+)
    7. Provide grade or percentage (e.g. 80 or 3.6) (only numeric or decimal value. Do not use letter like A+ or percentage sign 80%)
    8. Upload School Character certificate in image format. (size must be 2MB or less and .jpg format is recommended)
    9. Upload SEE/SLC Certificate in image format (size must be 2MB or less and .jpg format is recommended)
    10. Upload SLC Marksheet in image format (size must be 2MB or less and .jpg format is recommended)
  12. Apply Application - Phase IV :  Intermediate Information
    1. For Plus 2 or Equivalent level, please choose Board Type i.e. NEB/HSEB or CTEVT or Other board. Please choose your board carefully. Board once selected cannot be changed after you submit the form.
      1. If Board is Other, please provide Board Name and Upload Equivalency or Supportive document in .jpg format with size not more than 2 MB in the Documents for other boards section below.
    2. Choose the pass out year
    3. Provide College Name from which you have given plus 2 or equivalent examination
    4.  Provide College Address
    5. Choose Result status
      1. Pending: Choose if your result has not been published yet. You will see two field inputs with Previous Year/Semester Marksheet , and Current year admit card / Marksheet . In the first field, Upload the Passed Marksheet of previous year. If you have multiple marksheets for previous year/semester, upload them to additional documents section.In the second field upload the passed marksheet of current year. If you do not have marksheet yet, upload the admit card of current year exam. All documents uploaded should have size of lower than 2MB per document.
      2. Passed: If your result has already been published, upload your transcript/aggregate marksheet and character certificate in respective fields.
        1. Select Result type and fill the full marks/grade and obtained marks/grade and percentage based on your result type. Do not use letters like A+ or Distinction in marks fields. Only use numeric values like 800 ,3.6 etc.
    6. Additional documents: Only if your have additional documents like multiple marksheets etc. Do not upload any unnecessary/irrevelent document unless the staff reviewing your profile says to do so.
    7. Documents for ctevt: Upload the ctevt council letter if you are related to council. This field is optional and only applicable to ctevt students linked to council.
    8. Document for other boards: 
      1. Fill the board's name if your board is not in NEB/HSEB or CTEVT. It is compulsory if you have chosen other board.
      2. Upload the other board's equivalent certificate. It is compulsory in case of other boards (size must be 2MB or less and .jpg format is recommended).
    9.  Upload +2 Character Certificate (size must be 2MB or less and .jpg format is recommended)
  13. Choose the exam center applicable to you in the dropdown. Please choose the options wisely, it cannot be changed once the application is accepted.
  14. Apply Aplication - Phase V : Payment
    1. Fields like university, admission title, year and faculty are pre-filled automatically by the system. Please ensure this is the correct scholarship you are applying for.
    2. The payment section contains two types , Fonepay and Bank payment.
      1. Fonepay: If you are paying from fonepay, please ensure you enter the correct amount required for scholarship. Application fee is different for each faculty/college. Please ensure the amount you are paying is exactly as instructed in the amount section. Multiple transactions for single application will not be entertained. Please make a single transaction for each application. Take a screenshot/snapshot of the transaction and upload the screenshot in Bank Voucher/Fonepay Deposit Screenshot Section.
      2. Bank: For bank payment, choose the appropriate bank from dropdown menu and upload the bank deposit voucher. Please upload scanned copy of voucher in good quality.
    3. Fill the transaction id which you received from fonepay or listed in bank voucher . Please fill the information as it is in the bank voucher or fonepay screenshot.
    4. Fill the name of depositor and deposited date. In case of fonepay, fonepay account name from which the payment was done.
    5. Check on I agree to the terms (when you check this term you agree to follow the rules and regulation of PU and agree that the information being submitted is genuine)
  15. Click on Apply button to apply for scholarship.
  16. Regularly check your email and keep visiting the scholarship portal to know about your application status.